
826 Valencia

826 Valencia: Save Our Stories

826 Valencia supports under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative writing skills, and it relies on volunteers to make this possible.
With the opening of a new writing center in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco, 826 Valencia needED more volunteers and supporters than ever. Without this, the students stories could be lost forever. So we sent out an SOS.

42 stories written by 826 Valencia students were hidden around the city. The stories were half finished and could only be completed with the help of San Franciscans who found and ‘saved’ them by entering the missing information online at the Save Our Stories website. The students then use the information provided to complete their stories.


Hand Crafted

The amazing Kyle and I worked together to concept, design and build out each of the elements in this campaign with our own two hands.
Something we don’t get to do enough of these days.

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Good People:
CD - Jakub Szymanski

AD/Design - Kyle Watson
Photographer: David Ditta